Six Contestants to Compete for the 2011 Miss Rain Day Title
Six young ladies from throughout the county gathered in May in the Glass Room in Benedum Hall at Waynesburg University to officially kick off their quest for the Miss Rain Day title. The young ladies, along with their guests were treated to dinner, sponsored by McCracken Pharmacy. Guests for the evening were the 2010 Miss Rain Day, Kelcee Headlee; 2011 Crown Bearer, Taylor Shriver; and Ms. Ronnie Weaver, image stylist and pageant consultant, Bridal Suite of Johnstown, PA.
The 33 rd annual Miss Rain Day Scholarship Pageant sponsored by Rain Day Scholarship, Inc. will be held on Sunday, July 24th at 4:00pm in the Waynesburg Central High School Auditorium in Waynesburg. These Greene County girls between the ages of 14 and 18 will be vying for the coveted Miss Rain Day Crown.
The contestants will be judged on the basis of Personal Interview, Sportswear, Talent and Evening Gown Competitions. Awards will be presented to those with top scores in these areas as well as Miss Personality, Miss Photogenic, and the Kelly Smotzer Memorial Award. Participation awards will be given to all contestants. A Rain Maker award will be presented to the contestant who collects the most sponsorships, the John O'Hara award will be given to contestants who compose the best essay on what Rain Day means to them. The Remo C. Bertugli Memorial Award will also be presented which is judged from essays submitted by the contestants on how a volunteering experience changed their life.
The contestants have had a very busy schedule. They had contestant portraits taken by Bruno & Bruno. The contestants, crown bearer and committee members also attended a special dinner-theater trip to Morgantown, West Virginia. They attended the West Virginia Public Theatre's performance of "Cats": followed by dinner at Oliverio's. The girls traveled in style as Lewis Limousine donated the services of their limousine in which the girls rode. The contestants interviewed with Dougie Wilson of WANB Radio and the contestants also volunteered their time at the Greene County Memorial Foundation Golf Outing and will attend the Rain Day 5K race to be held, July 23rd.
After the Miss Rain Day Pageant on July 24th, Miss Rain Day 2011, her court and the contestants will participate in the Rain Day Festival on July 29th and the winners will perform for the festival goers.
Kelcee Headlee, Miss Rain Day 2010, is the 18 year old daughter of Amy and Derrick Broadwater of Waynesburg. She is guiding the 2011 contestants through their quest for the title.
Miss Rain Day 2010 Kelcee Headlee, the 17-year old daughter of Amy and Derek Broadwater of Waynesburg is guiding the 2011 contestants through their quest for the title and will relinquish the crown to one of this year's contestant.
Those competing for the title of Miss Rain Day 2011 are:
Contestant #2: Alexa Ponick is the 16 year old daughter of Rich and Jan Ponick of Carmichaels. In the fall, she will be a junior at Carmichaels High School. Alexa will be performing a vocal selection, "How Great Thou Art."
Contestant #3: Chelsea Coder is the 17 year old daughter of Cindy and Dave Coder of Waynesburg. In the fall, she will be a senior at Waynesburg Central High School. Chelsea will be performing a vocal selection, "Gimmie Gimmie."
Contestant # 4: Kendall Lewis is the 15 year old daughter of Mark and Jennette Lewis of Carmichaels. In the fall, she will be a sophomore at Carmichaels Area Junior Senior High School. Kendall will be performing a lyrical acro dance to "You Raise Me Up."
Contestant # 5: Christina Lahew is the 17 year old daughter of Robert and Janice Lahew of Brave. In the fall, she will be a senior at Waynesburg Central High School. Christina will be performing a vocal selection, "Three Wooden Crosses."
Contestant # 6: Joanna Allen is the 16 year old daughter of George and Georgeanna Allen of Waynesburg. In the fall, she will be a senior at Waynesburg Central High School. Joanna will be performing a jazz dance to "Big Spender."
Contestant # 7: Christa Ziefel is the 16 year old daughter of Dave and Cathy Ziefel of Nineveh. In the fall, she will be a junior at West Greene High School. Christa will be performing a tap dance to "Oogie Woogie Boogie."